Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Jill Stanek - Supremes decline IL Choose Life license plate lawsuit

Once again, the hypocrisy of the liberal left shows itself. The pro-abortion lobby claims that it is all about "choice", but when a choice is presented that does not fit into their agenda, it is shot down. Where is the harm in allowing Illinois drivers to voice their support for adoption? The only people it could possibly hurt are the abortion providers, who might lose a little business in favor of life. Shame on them.

Jill Stanek - Supremes decline IL Choose Life license plate lawsuit

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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Pro-life martyr Jim Pouillon

Disabled pro-life protester is killed by the pro-abortion lobby.

Pro-life martyr Jim Pouillon

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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Racism or Socialism?

Last November, a majority of Americans of all races voted in an inexperienced Senator as the leader of the free world. While many race-baiters tried to make Mr. Obama's ethnicity an issue during the election, most refused to accept the bait and instead cast a vote based on their consciences, beliefs and attitudes.

Yet here we are, 10 months later, and the race-baiters are at it again. Now the object is to ridicule any and all who are opposed to President Obama's openly socialist policies. No, they can't really be opposed to socialism and government takeover of private industries, the reasoning goes. Why would anybody object to that? It must really be about race.

Consider this excerpt from a blatantly biased article from the London Telegraph:

"Mr Wilson showed an ugly side of America. Perhaps the depth of his feeling, and of the protestors who have denounced Mr Obama with such fury so readily, really see him as a socialist menace threatening to undo all that is sacred about the nation, determined to sneak in a government takeover of health care, dissolve gun owners' rights and indoctrinate children.
But the question may well soon begin to be asked: perhaps it is just that they are not comfortable with having the first black American in the White House."

Or this from an African-American writer at the Chicago Tribune:

"In the meantime, is the dissension surrounding our first black president mostly about race, a difference in ideology---or it pure politics as usual? "

Playing the race card is a lazy way of thinking. It's a useful way to deride your opponents and try to make their concerns meaningless. Hopefully, the American people won't fall for this tactic and will continue to make their concerns heard. And those who prefer democracy to socialism will need to stiffen their backbones and continue to ignore the taunts coming from the other side of the aisle.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Populist Right Rising

While President Obama and his cohorts mock and deride the health care "reform" protesters, America begins to understand what this President is really all about.

Populist right rising

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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Town Hall Protesters

Interesting article about town hall protests and the Democrats' attempts to squelch them.

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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thousands Join Pro-Life Webcast to Discuss Obama Health Care Initiatives

As if socialized medicine isn't bad enough (ask a Canadian or a Brit how much they enjoy waiting months to see a specialist), the Obama health care plan wants to make abortion a mandatory component.

To hear the details and discuss the issues, log in at to participate in a live webcast. Several pro-life leaders from around the nation will participate to discuss this powerful threat to human life. Find out what you can do to stop it!

As of this morning, 23,000 people have registered to participate. Don't wait - space is filling up fast!