Thursday, June 11, 2020

What Next?

I participated in a church-led protest last Monday. It was very well attended, and peaceful. The protesters walked about a mile and a half (some of us followed in cars), and others lined the route with signs and clapped. The police did NOT wear riot gear; they blocked off the streets for us, and walked along side.

At the end of the protest, we assembled in a park for a short rally, and ended with a lovely rendition of  We Shall Overcome. It was a beautiful, powerful time.

I support continued, peaceful protests. Society must know this is a serious issue. People are forgetful, and busy. They need to be reminded, and often. But after the protests die down, as people get back to work, what should we do next?

One thing we can all do is use our voice. Whatever way God has gifted you, raise your voice against racism, especially systemic racism. Within your own personal circle, speak up when a friend makes a nasty comment, disagree (politely) with that supervisor, let that family member know you don't hold the same opinion. The other person may not change their values, but they may think twice before voicing a derogatory comment to others again. And the less others hear racist comments, the less likely they are to appropriate or reinforce the attitudes behind them.

Another thing we as a society must do is demand police accountability. The systemic problem in police forces is that there are very few consequences for despicable actions, and fellow officers are discouraged from interfering with or reporting a fellow officer. This is the opposite of what should be. The system should cause a fear of discipline in rogue police officers, and their partners should be commended for reining them in. We have to advocate for that change.

For years, well-meaning people (including me) held the attitude that being anti-racist in our own personal lives, doing our best to treat all with equal respect, and teaching our children to do the same, was enough to change the world. While that is all well and good, that is not enough. We must demand more of ourselves, our neighbors, our governments, and our churches. And we must not stop until change is here. 

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