Well, here we are at last. The day we have prayed for, hoped for, dreamed of, and maybe even despaired of: Roe v. Wade is overturned. As we celebrate our profound victory, we must start planning. What should we do next?
First, let's look at some facts. The overturning of Roe v. Wade did NOT outlaw abortion. The ruling simply returned the decision making to the states, where it originally belonged. Some states will ban abortion. Some will allow a law so thin it will border on infanticide. We have our work cut out for us.
Second, this issue, like most political issues, is a spiritual one. Much damage has been done by the implanting of radical leftists into our government, education, and media. People are so blinded that they cannot see the damage abortion does to individuals and society. They refuse to see the correlation between the rise in child abuse and neglect and the abortion rate. They are conned into thinking this is about women's rights, while denying the rights of unborn women.
Even more, they cannot see that killing a baby is wrong. This issue is a heart issue. And that will only change with prayer and education.
Should we work to change laws? By all means! Get involved in local politics, elect pro-life representatives at all levels (even if an office holder has no present influence on legislation, later they may end up holding an office that does. And that little position they hold now may be the stepping stone that gets them there).
Only God can change hearts. We need to attack the abortion issue with prayer, much prayer, and more prayer. And fasting. Education may change the mind of a person who is still reachable. We have no idea who that may be, so we need to speak the truth. Always. With love and grace.
Overturning Roe is a great victory. But we must not rest on our laurels. Now the real work begins.